1 Peter 1:3-25


1.    Great Salvation Described - 3-5

a.     living hope -

b.    inheritance - incorruptible, undefiled, fades not away

c.     by - mercy of God and resurrection of Jesus

d.    Our believing and trusting such


2.    Its Great Reward - 6-9

a.     the END - the salvation of our souls

b.    BUT - through trials --

1.    temporary - short lived - will pass away, but are here!

2.    manifold -

3.    severe - 'as by fire'

4.    will test your FAITH -  'do you really believe that…'

c.     RESULT - praise / honor / glory / and Salvation


3.    Its Greatness Seen In Its Interest - 10-12

a.     prophets revealed but searched and longed for --

b.    revealed by the very Spirit of God.


4.    Its Great Obligations - 13-17

a.     Obedient children -- 14, 22

b.    sober -- 13

c.     hopeful and enduring - 13

d.    holy - 15-17


5.    Its Great Basis - Jesus and the Everlasting Word of God - 18-25

a.     Redeemed by blood of Christ - 18-19

b.    Faith because God raised Jesus - 20-21

c.     born again by INCORRUPTIBLE / LIVING / EVERLASTING WORD - 22-25